The Effectiveness of Modern Acoustic Music as Distraction Technique for Reducing Menstrual Pain


  • Dyah Nuril Hasanah Politekkes Ministry of Health Malang
  • Eny Sendra Poltekkes Ministry of Health Malang
  • Lumastari Ajeng Wijayanti Poltekkes Ministry of Health Malang



distraction method, modern accoustic music, menstrual pain


Menstrual discomfort is characterized by lower abdominal cramps with varying intensity ranging from mild to severe. The root cause of menstrual discomfort lies in the increased or imbalanced production of endometrial prostaglandins during menstruation. Menstrual discomfort has negative impacts on daily life by disrupting activities, reducing focus and motivation for learning, and causing significant financial losses due to the high costs of medication and medical treatments. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of using acoustic music as a distraction method to reduce menstrual pain. Research sample of 38 respondents was selected using simple random sampling from a total population of 256 students. This study employed a pre-experimental design with a one-group pretest-posttest procedure. Research instrument consist menstrual data, general questionnaire sheets, Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) sheets, standard operating procedures (SOPs), smartphones, earphones, and modern audio music. The data analysis indicated that the use of modern acoustic music as distraction technique was effective to reduce menstrual pain among female students at SMAN 4 Kota Kediri

Author Biographies

Dyah Nuril Hasanah, Politekkes Ministry of Health Malang

Midwifery Department

Eny Sendra, Poltekkes Ministry of Health Malang

Midwifery Department

Lumastari Ajeng Wijayanti, Poltekkes Ministry of Health Malang

Midwifery Department


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How to Cite

Hasanah, D. N., Sendra, E., & Wijayanti, L. A. (2024). The Effectiveness of Modern Acoustic Music as Distraction Technique for Reducing Menstrual Pain. Jurnal Ners Dan Kebidanan (Journal of Ners and Midwifery), 11(1), 001–008.


