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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submitted paper has not been published and is not being considered for publication in another journal.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word DOC file format.
  • The text or the format of your article is already appropriate with our Author Guidelines.
  • If available, URLs for the references have been provided.

Author Guidelines

The manuscript is written in English in the form of narrative with an effective and academic language style. The manuscript of the research results should be arranged systematically. Please prepare your manuscript before submission, using the following Author Guidelines and Article Template:

01. Title
a. Describing the basic content of writing in a concise and clear way, written no more than 12 words.
b. The Titles are printed with 12 Times New Roman fonts, Capitalized each words.

a. Typed without title and consistent in name spelling accompanied by author's footnote address

a. The address specified is the Author Department, Affiliation and Country

04. Abstract
a. Is the summary of all manuscript, Including: Problems, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions (IMRAD: Introduction, Method, Result, and Discussion).
b. Abstract is typed with full gramatically corect sentence.

05. Keywords

a. Consist of 3-5 keywords, comma separated

06. Introduction
a. Includes a description of the background of the problem, the scope of the research and literature review related to the issues studied.
b. The length is not more than two pages.

07. Methods
a. Contains an explanation of the design, population, sample, variables, instruments, time, place, and technique.
b. The method should be explained completely so that other researchers can retest it.
c. References (bibliography) are given in less obvious methods.

08. Result
a. An objective description of the results of research and discussion
b. Clearly explained in the form of narration and data based on the purpose of the study, if necessary accompanied by illustrations (paintings, drawings, graphs, diagrams), tables or photos that support data,
c. Simple and not complicated.
d. Result that have been described with tables or illustrations does not need to be explained complicatedly.

09. Discussion
a. Explain the meaning of the research includes: facts, theories and opinions.

10. Conclusion
a. Contains a conclusion that answers the research questions. The Conclusions are written in the form of essays not in numerical form.

11. Suggestion
a. Contains suggestions of the research results in the form of narratives not detailed in points referring to research objectives.

12. Acknowledgement
a. Contains sponsors/funding (complete with contract number and year). The acknowledgement must be written in brief and clear. Avoid hyperbole acknowledgment.

13. Funding
a. Contains the identification of who provided financial support to conduct the research and/or preparation of the article and to briefly describe the role of the sponsor(s) in the whole research process.

14. Conflict of Interest
a. Contains the statement of all possible conflicts of interest in the manuscript, including financial, consultant, institutional and other relationships that might lead to bias or a conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, this should also be explicitly stated. All sources of funding should be acknowledged in the manuscript. All relevant conflicts of interest and sources of funding should be included on the manuscript with the heading “Conflicts of Interest”.

15. Author Contribution
a. Contains a brief explanation of the contribution of each author in the research/ manuscript. Must be written in a paragraph form.

16. References
a. Reference sources (literature) wherever possible is a literature published in the last 10 years preferably is the result of research reports (thesis, thesis and dissertation) and scientific articles in scientific journals / magazines.
b. All of the manuscript should use MENDELEY as refference tool and also include a DOI for all works that have a DOI, regardless of whether you used the online version or the print version. If an online work has both a DOI and a URL, include only the DOI. If an online work has a URL but no DOI, include the URL in the reference.
c. The referencesare compiled based on the APA (American Psychological Association) style, as follows:

Anderson, D.W.; Vault V.D.;& Dickson, C.E. (2016). Problems and Prospects for the Decades Ahead: Competency Based Teacher Education. Berkeley: McCuthcan Publishing Co.

Article in Journal:

Suprajitno, S., Sunarno, I., &Ardiansah, O. (2018).PERCEPTION OF SUPERVISOR TAKING MEDICINE ABOUT THE SIDE EFFECT OF TUBERCULOSIS MEDICATION FOR PATIENTS. Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan (Journal of Ners and Midwifery), 5(1), 058-061.doi:

17. Citation
a. Referrals and Quotes using confined referral techniques (name, year). Example: (Ahsan, 2009).

18. Mathematical Equations
a. Write clearly. The Decimal number is marked with a comma for the Indonesian language and a point for English.

19. Table
a. As simple as possible, sent in MS Word format.
b. Tables are numbered and referred sequencially in text,
c. Table numbering followed by a period (.)
d. The title is written at the top of the table, please write briefly and clearly and beginning with a capital letter that only begins with the title of the table covering what, where, when.
e. Note or description when necessary (at the bottom of the table, to explain abbreviations in the table).
f. All of the abbreviations in the table should be explained in the footnotes.
g. The lines in the table use only horizontal lines using no vertical lines.
h. Tables should be referred in the discussion.

20. Ilustration
a. In the form of paintings, drawings, graphs or diagrams are numbered and referred in sequence to the text.
b. The title is given briefly and clearly under the illustration (not in the illustrations).
c. Captions on illustrations or photos are created without using a border.

21. Grayscale/colored photo
a. Contrast, Sharp, Clear and Preferably taken in JPEG format, or other editable digital format.

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