Health Education by Nurses: Self-Care of Patients with Chemotherapy from a Specialized Cancer Institute in Lima-Peru




Effectiveness, educational program, self-care, chemotherapy


Objective: To determine self-care in patients with chemotherapy in a pre-post educational intervention test performed by nurses from a specialized oncology institute. Methodology: Quantitative, quasi-experimental, longitudinal. Population of 90 patients with chemotherapy treatment, who were given 3 educational sessions with a pre and post test evaluation; in addition, a questionnaire with 4 dimensions was applied: nutrition, hygiene, infection prevention and avoidance of complications, with 20 items, a Likert scale validated by experts and a reliability of 0.8. Results: In the pre-test, self-care levels were 60% low, 22.2% high and 17.8% medium. In the post-test, self-care levels were 96.7% high and 3.3% medium. In relation to the dimensions of self-care in the pre-test, levels were found to be in Food: 52.2% low and 26.7% high; Hygiene: 42.2% low and 17.8% high; Infection prevention: 36% high and 30% low; and avoidance of complications: 55.6% low and 8.9% high. Finally, in the post-test, levels of: Feeding 94.4% high and 5.6% medium; Prevention of infections: 91.1% high and 8.9% medium. Dimensions: Hygiene and avoidance of complications, obtained 100% high level. Conclusion: It was demonstrated that nurses who promote education on self-care and incorporate the delivery of educational materials, increase knowledge and practices of self-care in their daily lives, which favor the welfare and ensure a quality of life in the patient.

Author Biographies

Alda Eliana Oriihuela Castro, Instituto De Enfermedades Neoplásicas

Oncology Nurse Research Work

Monica Elisa Meneses la Riva, Instituto De Enfermedades Neoplásicas

Oncology Nurse Research Work


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How to Cite

Castro, A. E. O., & Riva, M. E. M. la. (2020). Health Education by Nurses: Self-Care of Patients with Chemotherapy from a Specialized Cancer Institute in Lima-Peru. Jurnal Ners Dan Kebidanan (Journal of Ners and Midwifery), 7(3), 307–313.


